Yellow Teapot Books

Margaret Sutherland
Antonio Casella


Rosanne Dingli is the award-winning author of ten novels, five novellas, several volumes of published and awarded stories, and her collected poems. She has occupied various roles within the publishing industry since 1985, and has lectured in Creative Writing. She lives in Western Australia.

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Margaret Sutherland is a New Zealand writer who has lived in Australia since 1986. She has published seven novels and several collections of short stories. Her credits include the Katherine Mansfield Short Story Award, the New Zealand Scholarship in Letters and two Australia Council Fellowships. Her stories have been included in many anthologies; most recently in The Civically Engaged Reader (Great Books Foundation of America, 2006.) In 2009 she won a national literary award for her short story, The Camphor Laurel. With her husband Bill Chaplin she runs a music teaching practice in Lake Macquarie, New South Wales.

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Antonio Casella migrated to Australia from Italy at the age of age 15, when he spoke no English. He went on to attain a doctorate in writing. His first novel was Southfalia. His body of work includes the novels The Sensualist, Men and Fathers, and  An Olive Branch for Sante. He has also written the plays: The Ghost of Rino Tassone and To Catch a Bride.
Research: The Italian Diaspora in Australia.

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Stephen Crabbe was born in Adelaide, South Australia. His ancestors were among the earliest colonists, arriving from Scotland in 1839. His twin passions from the earliest years were music and language in all its forms. He studied classical pianoforte from the age of five until his late teens. He read widely in English and loved to explore other languages. He also played many different sports. Eventually Stephen took up education as a profession, which took him into both public and private schools in several different roles. Eventually he chose to be a music educator, a vocation he followed for decades. Writing was always a compulsion for Stephen, but in later years it drew more attention. Screen productions used his scripts and many of his articles were published online and in print. The main focus of his writing now is fiction, especially the historical kind. Stephen now lives in Western Australia.

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