Yellow Teapot Books



Titles by Stephen Crabbe

First in the South Australian Saga series, this novel introduces intriguing characters with varying pasts and problems, which evolve into dilemmas that require solutions only attainable if the characters cooperate and work together. The backdrop of the iconic South Australian island is itself a memorable ingredient.

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This second volume in the South Australian Saga series takes readers to the shocking effects outbreak of WWI had on the characters encountered in the first novel. Heartbreak, deprivation and above all discrimination visit them and their loved ones, turning neighbour against neighbour and transforming some authorities into cruel persecutors.

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Just released, the third in this series takes well-loved and known characters to the peripheries of Adelaide, to the borders of strength and sanity, to the edges of what is sustainable and bearable. Easy to read but hard to put down,  this Great War novel is utterly Australian, and demonstrates how Aussies became such tough persistent people.

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Titles by Rosanne Dingli

A sequence of problems plagues Poppy Elgin, who arrives in England from Australia in the midst of the Spanish influenza outbreak. The Great War is over; her troubles are just starting.  But she befriends a like-minded woman. Petals & Pages is the heart-warming story of two friends whose valiant attempts at becoming independent women are thwarted at every step.

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This is a series for lovers of costume dramas. Life in a stately home in Gloucestershire is experienced in fast-moving narrative, with all the changes, mishaps, joys and interactions. The intrigue and immersion of television series that vividly bring back Victorian and Edwardian times spring to life on these pages. Book Two is expected in 2023.

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The history of photography in Belgium is not a frequent subject among novelists. In this engaging novella, Rosanne Dingli provides a well-researched depiction of a troubled man's life. Obsessed with documenting the rapid changes of his city in pictures, he leads a tormented life and upsets the lives of others in turn.

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